Compulsory Discipline

Discipline that sticks isn’t forced. 

Forced discipline has the appearance of discipline, but lacks its substance.

Self-discipline or self-imposed discipline sticks for the long haul.   

It doesn’t wax and wane with the presence of authority but holds fast regardless who’s around. 

For discipline to stick in your life, that of your team, or that of your kids it must come from within. 

While it can be encouraged and extolled it cannot be forced. 

It has to be chosen freely, otherwise, it’s not discipline. 

H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle.

Books serve as the gateway of learning that allows people we have never met to impact us and the people we become. As Betty Southward said, "Books are wonderful mentors. They are available at any hour of the day or night." One recent book that has been impacting me deeply is Brad Lomenick's H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle. This books has been a gem to read and I am certain it will continue to work me over the years to come.

"Lead yourself. How can you attempt to lead others until you embrace this simple truth? Brad Lomenick is one of the good guys and he's generously sharing what he's learned in his own journey." - Seth Godin, author, The Icarus Deception

"Hungry. Humble. Hustle. Those three words are Brad Lomenick's mantra, and they characterize just about every quality, hard-charging, effective leader I know. When it comes to Brad's H3 Leadership, though, I'd add one more H: HOW. This book is your how-to when it comes to leading your organization. Don't miss it." - Dave Ramsey, New York Times bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio host

"A practical resource for leaders at all level." - Adam Grant, Wharton professor and New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take

How do we develop and grow into effective leaders? 

Brad Lomemick's most recent book provides us the answers and blueprints we seek. H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle. has rarely departed my side these past few weeks. 

  • Want to get promoted and take your career to the next level?
  • Want to increase your influence and impact in your current role? 
  • Want a road map to put knowledge into practice? 

Want to up your game, no matter where you are? This book is your guide. 

The Audible version of this book can be found here. 

This post includes: 

  • A brief overview of the book
  • 10 of my favorite quotes
  • Three interviews with Brad Lomenick discussing H3 Leadership and more

Perhaps your in a hurry and the length of this post looks daunting. Here is the synopsis of the book in one sentence: Becoming a better leader is all about the habits you develop, in H3 Leadership Brad Lomenick walks you through 20 critical habits that can transform your life and leadership. 

H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry, Always Hustle. distills a career's worth of lessons learned into what is sure to be the next great leadership resource. 

A Brief Overview

One of my favorite aspects of Brad's book is that he approaches leadership from the standpoint of habit development saying, "The path to being a better leader is paved with the asphalt of the habits we develop." I don't know about you but I immediatly resonate with that sentiment. When I look at my life much of what I do is the result of my habits rather than concious decisions. If this is true, and I believe that it is, developing the right habits can transform your life, not to mention help you become the leader & human you want to be. Throughout H3 Ledership, Brad draws your attention to the qualities of great leaders and then teases out how you can develop the same habits in your life.

Todd Wagner is famous for saying that, "If you want to change the world, draw a circle around yourself and change everything inside the circle. Then invite other people into that circle." Brad picks up on this theme and opens by focusing on self work by encouraging readers to create, "intentional rhythms whereby one observes who he is, listens to his life, and strives to define himself apart from his professional assignments." This is huge because the temptation to find at least part of your identity in what you do is powerful. Here Brad provides a road map to developing rhythms to learn how you are wired. Among my favorite is his encouragement to keep a list of what you think makes you who you are, things that engergizes you, and give you a sense of purpose. As the work of self mastery continues openness, meekness, conviction, faith and assignment form the tapistry. The most important person a leader must lead is himself and the first six chapters of H3 Leadership set you up to do just that.     

If being humble is about knowing who you are, then staying hungry is certainly about knowing where you want to go. After years of languishing in agony and unhealthy imbalance Brad comes riding in to rescue our misconception of ambition. Brad helps us see that the posture of a properly ambitious person is "Never satisfied, but always content..." There is a proper context to our ambition and a road map for how we become the leader we want to be. A large component of that is staying hungry for knowledge. We all want to learn and grow when we first start out, but its those who remain curious who win in the end because they understand that, "If you're not learning, you're not leading to your full potential." Brad's chapter on curiosity was by far my favorite chapter and is included below as a quick sample. Here Brad discusses cultivating the habits of passion, innovation, inspiration and bravery as he helps you develop a taste for what life could be like if you mastered storytelling, facing down your fears and improve upon the status quo.  

In his closing section Brad shows you how to get to your destination by setting scary standards of excellence, serving others, sticking with things and nurturing healthy ryhtums. Where most pull back and skimp over the hard realities of leadership, Brad dives right in confronting our notions of excellence, discipline and team building. But he doesn't stop there, he gives you a road map back on course. After all, leaders have an incredible opportunity to impact lives. The good ones not only understand this, but lean into it. They've learned the secret that all great leaders know. "..their fruit most often grows on other people's trees." 

Brad brings his fastball with H3 Leadership. It's chalked full of helpful tips to establish new patterns and cultivate habits that not only help you win at work but in life as well.  

10 Awesome Quotes  

There's no avoiding it: the patterns we cultivate shape the person we each become. Unfortunately, most people aren't intentional about the habits they're developing.

• Ask serious questions during conversations with others. Relational depth often emerges from intentional dialogue.

• Authentic leaders must have the strength to admit when they've made a mistake and take the steps to fix it.

• influencer's unguarded greatest strength is also his or her greatest weakness - and therefore turns into his or her greatest temptation. Your best can bring you down. 

• Failure is crucial for innovation to actually become second nature for your team. If you're not failing, you're not risking enough.

• Do something every day that you weren't asked or told to do.

• Your twenties establish your seventies.

• Leadership is a choice, not a position. Be the leader you wish you had.

• Margin creates moments; it makes life more meaningful. Margin creates space for magic to happen. 

• The generous leader gives people what they truly want: knowledge, power, information, credit, praise, responsibility, and authority. 

If you want to take your life and leadership to the next level, H3 Leadership just might be the book you need to get in your hand. Tangible and highly applicational H3 Leadership has the potential to impact your life in some profound ways. 

Recent Interviews with Brad Lomenick

Hearing someone's voice can help us connect and understand them in a whole new way. Below I have included three great interviews featuring Brad. He shares extremely helpful value in each interview, so grab your headphones, pop them in and give these a listen. 

Brad discussing H3 Leadership on The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast

In this interview Brad shares three essential components it takes to lead in today's culture. This one is a little long but Brad shares some awesome insights here that will be well worth your time. 

Brad on 5 Leadership Questions 

Here Brad discusses his journey, leading himself as well as others. Much of this discussion allows Brad to place the principles found in H3 Leadership within a real world context. 

Brad on the EntreLeadership Podcast

Brad expounds on the habits you need to get more done in this conversation with Ken Coleman.  

How I Journal Daily

On Monday, we talked about how men and women throughout the ages have kept personal journals and three positive effects of daily journaling. If you missed it, run grab it so that you know where we are going today.

Today I want to help you establish journaling as a daily habit.

I'm sure that you've given journaling a shot once or twice before. Perhaps it didn't stick. Maybe you tried for a week or two, or maybe even three but eventually you stopped.

We usually fail to develop habits because we go about them unintentionally. We fail to think through the three main elements that matter. No matter the habit you are wanting to establish the three things you need to think through are: 

1. Time

Determine when you will journal. Ideally you would want to journal at the beginning of your day but in the end time of day isn't as important. Establish a time each day when you can retreat, think and write. Having a consistent time helps you in establishing a the habit as it becomes part of your routine. 

2. Place

Decide where you will journal. My wife has a favorite chair in our backyard that she enjoys spending her mornings in coffee in one hand and her journal in the other. Me, I prefer to sit in my office chair. No matter where you choose to write, pick a place and establish that as your daily journaling spot. Establishing a place helps root the habit to not just a time of day but also to a physical location. 

3. Plan

One of the most helpful ways to establish a journaling plan is to use a template. By using a template you'll remove the worry of what to write about. At first glance, this might appear confining but in reality it will create freedom. To create your very own journaling template spend some time thinking of a few questions that will help you process the day before, access how you are feeling & plan for the day ahead.

Not sure what questions to ask yourself? Below is an image of the journaling template I've been using.

My hand writing can be difficult to read at times so here are the eight questions I'm currently using:


1. What did I do yesterday? (hit the high notes. What do you want to remember?)
2. What lessons did I learn?


3. What am I thankful for right now?
4. How am I feeling right now?


5. What have I read in the last 24 hours? (record everything you've read since you last journaled. Maybe even a few important insights.)
6. What are my plans for today? (Review schedule and major tasks)
7. What one thing must I accomplish today?
8. Who will I see today and can I intentionally add value to their day?

Below is one of my real journal entries from the past few weeks. 

As you can see I ask myself the 8 questions and then write out my answers to each prompt. It is simple and helps me narrow my focus to the areas that really matter to me. If you're having difficulty coming up questions of your own, grab these and give them a try. Over time you will tweak the questions and eventually arrive at a template of your own.

7 Day Experiment: Establish a time, place and plan for journaling. Then give it a try for 7 days and let me know how it goes. 

The Pareto Principle

You have so much going on that it can be quite overwhelming at times. To make it worse, a lot of what you spend your time doing doesn't add to your bottom line or help you accomplish your goals. With your attention pulled in so many directions it can be hard to keep focused on what truly matters. But how do you break this cycle and cut through the waste so you can focus on the truly important? 

 Vilefredo Pareto just might hold the key to unlocking the magic code to increasing productivity and regaining your sanity.

Never heard of Vilefredo Pareto? You're not alone.  

Vilefredo Pareto was an economist of little note who lived and died Switzerland almost 100 years ago. Not much of his work or life garners our attention. However, at some point in his 75 years of life Pareto stumbled upon a mathematical truth that could truly transform your life.

The Pareto Principle first popped up on my radar while reading The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss a little over a year ago. At it's most simple The Pareto Principle simply states that 80% of outputs come from 20% of inputs. This has been found to be true across all manner of disciplines including time management, customers, and economics.

A few alternative ways to look at the principle include:

• 20% of your customers generate 80% of your income

• 20% of your customers create 80% of you problems

• 80% of your results come from 20% of your effort and time

It drives home the concept of prioritization. What you focus on matters immensely. If you are focusing all of your efforts on the wrong things you won't get the results your working so hard to achieve. You will run yourself ragged with nothing to show. Thankfully, you can learn and apply the 80/20 principle to your life and alter the outcomes you are working so hard to reach.

Pareto and the 80/20 principle will be of most help to you if you leverage them to assess your current efforts. Here are three ways you can apply it:

1. Take stock of current efforts. Write down everything you are doing and outcomes it is producing. Be unattached from the outcomes here, simply list out your activity and how it has impacted your work, life, etc.

2. Reprioritize what's producing. Perhaps you find that phone calls are driving your business and resulting huge returns for you, despite the fact that you make very few. In that case, pick up the phone and start making more calls. The key here is to determine your areas of strength and multiply them.

3. Eliminate waste. Consider cutting those things that are wasting your time and energy. It might be something you think would be generating results but its just sucking up resources. Cut it ruthlessly. Find your inefficiencies and eliminate them. This will free you up to focus on what's actually generating for you.   

These three steps show where to double down and where to eliminate. Apply this principle to your life, get a hold of the few things that truly matter, and see how drastically it transforms things for you. 

Bonus tip:

Develop a "Stop Doing" List

A few weeks back I wrote a series of questions to help you evaluate the items on your "to do" list that pairs well with the Pareto Principle that will be helpful to you. Here is an expert from that post:

"The solution to your crazy schedule and consequently a crazy task list isn't just another list but the process of evaluating exactly what you are doing each day. A "stop doing" list helps you take a cold hard look at what you are doing and literally stop doing those things that are not the most fruitful for you and your team."

Bonus Resource:

For more on the Pareto Principle and other awesome tips that are sure to shatter your world, in a good way, check out The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

Hard Conversations

We live in a broken, fallen world full of strife, difficulty and disagreement. We don't always get along with or agree with those around us. Maybe someone has done something that has hurt you financially, emotionally, or otherwise. You might feel bitter and you might be wounded, but things don't have to stay that way. 

Often the conversations you most dread are the ones you most need to have. There is something deep down inside us that knows exactly what we need to do. That feeling of dread or fear may not mean what you have always thought. Those knots in your stomach might not be telling you to run, but just might be confirming what you need to do. Whatever conversation has you scared, run towards it. Sure things could blow up in your face and go badly, but being willing to lean in and engage in tough conversations just might lead to outcomes you've only dreamed of.   

Tough conversations don't have to be negative or destructive. It can actually serve as an opportunity to strengthen your relationships and help you grow as an individual. If for no other reason, lean in and engage those you most fear. It has the potential to completely change everything. If you think about it in these terms, those tough conversations all of a sudden get a whole lot easier. 

Ok, you know you need to have a tough conversation but you aren't sure how. Here are a few quick hits that can help you master the art of the difficult conversation. 

Prepare your heart. This is the most challenging part of any difficult interchange. Before going to the other person pause and take a look at yourself. Search your own attitudes, words and actions. Many times you'll find that you've contributed far more to the relational strife your experiencing than you previously realized. Taking a swim in your own stuff will better prepare you to talk to someone else about theirs.

Be humble. humility looks good on you..jpg

Plan out what you will say. Scripting your conversation may be impractical however, it is extremely helpful to spend some time processing not only what you will say but how you will say it. While the content of your message is important, method and tone are even more so. A helpful way to address tone and method is by how you would like to be confronted. One golden rule that won't steer you wrong is to be humble. A humble attitude smooths over a lot more than you realize.