Compulsory Discipline

Discipline that sticks isn’t forced. 

Forced discipline has the appearance of discipline, but lacks its substance.

Self-discipline or self-imposed discipline sticks for the long haul.   

It doesn’t wax and wane with the presence of authority but holds fast regardless who’s around. 

For discipline to stick in your life, that of your team, or that of your kids it must come from within. 

While it can be encouraged and extolled it cannot be forced. 

It has to be chosen freely, otherwise, it’s not discipline. 


A thousand different things determine the outcome of your life. 

Of those thousands of things, you have control over only a handful. 

The temptation is to waste energy and effort focusing on things outside your control. 

Resisting it takes discipline. 

The discipline to identify the handful of things within your control and own them like crazy. To forget about the rest and banish them from your mind. The discipline to live in the present moment undistracted by what’s going on around you. 

Discipline keeps you on the path when those thousand different things come calling. 

Two Types of Discipline

There are two types of discipline. 

The first is imposed discipline. This is where the habits and practices of discipline are forced upon you. The military is particularly skilled at this. They tell you what to do, how to do it and when. They set high standards and expect you to meet them, and doll out punishment when you don’t.

The second is self-discipline. You hold yourself to high standards and force yourself to meet them. You don’t need anyone looking over your shoulder, or screaming in your ear, you just get things done. 

Imposed discipline will only get you so far. 

To truly get things done and accomplish your dreams, you’re going to need self-discipline. You’re going to need the will and determination to push through hard times. You’re going to need the strength to face your fears and overcome them. You’re going to need the discipline to hold the line and stay the course when you don’t feel like it. 

Cultivate self-discipline. It’s the best and truest form of discipline and the best path to achieving your goals.