Thinking and acting like a champion comes first. 

You don’t reach the top of your profession or field of endeavor only to then start behaving like a champion. 

You reach the pinnacle of excellence by living and breathing the actions and habits of a champion.

Shifting your mindset and behavior comes first. 

Once you flip that switch and commit all you have to it, everything else tends to fall into place. 

It won’t be immediate, but if you pursue it all day every day you’ll catch excellence in the end.

Simple Not Easy

Reaching the top and achieving your wildest dreams is simple. 

Figure out where you want to go, what it’ll take to get there and chart a plan to make it happen. 

That’s a simple formula, but it’s not an easy one.

It requires lots and lots of hard work. 

Most of all it requires discipline. 

The discipline to:

  • focus over a long period of time. 
  • drill down into the details. 
  • reshape and reform your every habit and routine.  

It takes doing your best at everything you do; reading, working out, laundry, loading the dishwasher, making good food choices, and listening to your spouse. 

It’s a simple road, but the hardest one you’ll ever walk. 

That’s why most people avoid it. 

Hard work and discipline aren’t what they’re looking for. Most people want a quick fix and an easy win. 

But your not most people. You have a drive and commitment to excellence that bewilders the common man. 

You get up and get after it all day because you’re chasing down excellence like a lion on the Serengeti. 

Every decision and every moment bring you closer and closer to victory. 

A victory that isn't bought, or negotiated for. But one requiring character, strength, and patience. 

A victory paid for in the small daily habits of a disciplined life.    

Getting Better

What’s the first thing that runs through your mind when your head lifts off the pillow? 

What’s the overarching reason you’re getting up and getting after the day? 

You may be surprised to learn that the truly successful all wake up with one goal in mind—to get better. 

They get up early and work hard because they’re committed to doing whatever it takes to improve. 

It borders on obsession, but that’s what it takes. 

You can’t mosey through life and expect greatness to come knocking on your door. 

You must chase it down, grab it by the throat and pin it to the ground. 

“It’s a constant dedication,” Ben Bergeron said, “to habits and values that can be isolating. In the long term, though, the benefit will be unmatched.”

You have to get serious—really serious—about your habits and figure out what habits will get you where you want to go. 

Habits that make you stronger, faster, and smarter than you were yesterday. 

Do the small things, even when they feel worthless, and keep plugging away at them. They add up over time. 

Be disciplined. Stay on the path and commit to seeing it through. 

Don’t settle for good enough. Keep pushing, striving and working hard to be your absolute best. 

True excellence isn’t found on the leaderboard or in your bank account. It’s found at the end of the disciplined path when you’ve given your all and know you’ve achieved the full measure of your potential.  

No secret path

There are no secret steps or hidden paths to success. 

It doesn’t matter whether you’re building a business, growing a family, or working towards any important goal, there is only one thing that truly works. 

The one thing that works is honing your craft, day in and day out, doing the right things over and over again. 

It’s not difficult to comprehend. It’s just really hard to do. 

Committing to the process requires a lot of you. It requires things like grit, accountability, confidence, passion, and discipline. 

These things may come more naturally to some than others, but they are all things you can develop and grow. 

You can’t control what you were born with, but you can take giant leaps forward in developing character and discipline today. 

 That’s 100% within your control. 

Apply yourself to those things. 

Commit to them. 

Make them your watch words and see how far they carry you. 

Discipline Is Not A Sometime Thing

Discipline is not a sometime thing. 

It is a whole life commitment. 

Discipline requires your devotion. All of it. 

You don’t engage discipline in one area of your life, and then neglect it in another. 

That’s not discipline. It’s what most people do. 

You don’t want to be like everyone else. You want to be extraordinary. 

You want to be better. 

Discipline either shapes every part of you or none. 

Apply discipline to every area of your life. 

Discipline isn’t some vague force floating out there somewhere. It’s an intensely personal tool that can transform your family, your work, your relationships, your fitness level, and even your faith. 

Realizing how deep, how far, and how wide discipline reaches is the hard part. Now all you have to do is apply it to things. 

Things like loving your wife regardless of how she responds, working out even when you don’t want to, and pursuing the Lord even when He feels distant. 

Each requires discipline. But you’re up for the challenge.