
It’s something the modern world, especially here in the west, affords you. 

The comfort of a hot meal, a warm bed, books to read, a TV to watch and so much more.

These things are so common you don’t even think about them day to day. 

You are fortunate.

Sadly, however, comfort lulls you to sleep. 

It takes your eyes off important things and limits your view. 

Comfort so often constructs the prison in which you gladly reside. See Huxley

If only you could grasp this one simple truth: comfort is not always your friend. 

He may seem polite and an easy companion, but that’s only while he fastens the noose around your neck. 

Discomfort on the on hand remains a faithful friend. 

He pushes you to think, to challenge, to grow. 

You don’t need to be protected from discomfort. You need to seek it out.

Seek out people, situations, conversations, and experiences that make you uncomfortable.

All the growth and change you seek is on the other side of those uncomfortable things. 


Fear can be a real killer. 

It can kill your drive, your passion, and your desire.

Fear can rob you of all these things and much more. 

Far from being some distant enemy in the world out there, fear attacks from within. 

It sneaks up on you uninvited and unnoticed and whispers lie after lie into your ear. 

“You’ll never make it.”

“You don’t have what it takes.”

“That’s too heavy for you”

“It’s going to be too hard” 

“You should just give up”

Fear is crafty and wants to keep you from doing the very things that need doing. 

It wants to you to play it safe and for you to never feel discomfort. 

But that’s where all the growth is. 

Tell fear to take a hike, the next time it whispers in your ear.   

Remind yourself that all the good things in life—health, happiness, strength, and freedom—are found on the other side of discomfort. 

Remind yourself exactly what you’re running after. Then do the things needed to get there, no matter how hard or scary they may be. 

Once you’re done and you’ve conquered it, you’ll see how silly fear was in the first place. 

Discipline doesn't care

Discipline doesn’t care if you’re tired. 

It doesn’t care if you were up all night. 

Or if you don’t quite feel up to it. 

Discipline doesn’t care about these things because life and your enemies don’t either. 

It wants you to be ready and equipped for when they come calling, so it pushes you through discomfort. 

Discipline may seem like an insensitive jerk when it tells you to get up early or to do one more rep, but in the end, you’ll find that he’s had your best in mind all along.