Setting Goals

This time of year, it’s natural to start thinking about the next year. 

Your mind drifts to all you’d like to do and accomplish. 

You make goals and set resolutions to guide you. 

Most people, however, stop right there. Nothing more comes of their goals, they remain dreams and unfulfilled hopes.

Setting goals is easy, execution is where it gets hard. 

The goals you set each new year don’t matter if you never take action on them. 

Take action on your goals.

Break them down to the most granular level possible. 

Boil your goals down to something you do daily and the likelihood of your reaching them will dramatically increase.

Setting goals is important, but while your thinking through 2018, think about the daily actions you’ll need to change as well.

Black Friday

Today is the day many of us stand in lines and rush from store to store to get an early start on Christmas shopping. 

Ultimately, it’s a day too many put their lack of discipline and self-control on full display. 

Thankfully Amazon has changed all that. 

Rather than rushing to the store in a heard like fashion, you can stay home and get more done. 

You can exercise control and plan out your Christmas season in an orderly fashion. 

Being generous is a good thing, but you don’t have to brave the overcrowded stores to buy the right gift to show others how much they mean to you. 

Let discipline help you this season. Let it nudge you in a new direction. 

Allow discipline to lead your search with thought and care.

You can get it all done without losing control or frantically fighting the lines in the process. 

Discipline can help. You only have to ask. 

The other path

Taking the long-term view is one of the hardest parts of life. 

The short-term view is enticing and alluring. It offers you something now; not minutes, hours or days later. 

It’s hard to compete with the fast food like feedback the of the short-term. 

But that’s exactly what you’ve got to do if you’re ever going to “make it.” If you’re ever going to reach goals, dreams, and realities worth reaching. 

The funny thing is, you’ll get exactly what you pursue. 

By all means, pursue the shiny object that offers immediate feedback. 

Just know that the lofty and ambitious things you desire aren’t found on that road. 

They’re found on the other path. 

The path of delayed gratification, perseverance, and discipline. 

While walking that path isn’t always fun, it’s the only one that’ll get you where you’d like to. 

Discipline's best friend

Mental toughness is discipline’s best friend. Rarely do you find one without the other. They’re so close they’re often mistaken for twins.

Maintaining discipline requires the resolve to say, “No.” Your heart and your stomach are going to fight to convince you to say, “Yes.” You can’t let them win.

Mental toughness is the superpower behind the disciplined man. It acts like a guardrail that keeps you on the right path. When weakness whispers in your ear and entices you stray, mental toughness kicks into action.  

No time to coast

The holiday season is upon us with Thanksgiving mere days away, and Christmas only a few weeks beyond. 

It can bring a lot of stress and drama into your life. 

What to get everyone and how to make every person you know feel loved and special?

The slow depletion of your bank account or ever accumulating debt adds to this stress. 

But these are not acceptable reasons to coast these next several weeks. 

Coasting is the temptation most face between now and the New Year. 

It is in the air this time of year. Everyone it seems is shifting things into neutral and waiting for 2017 to end and 2018 to begin. 

Don’t let that be you. 

Resolve to hold the line. 

To remain vigilant and consigned to the disciplined path. 

Discipline won’t allow you to coast. It forces you to stay in the game and keep moving forward. 

Does that mean you can’t relax and recharge? No, it means you don’t waste your time the next 6 weeks. 

It means you keep getting up early and grinding it out. 

It means you don’t blow all the hard work you’ve put in this year by letting it all go right before you cross the finish line. 

Let everyone else take time off. Let the whole world coast these next few weeks. 

You’ll be busy getting after it and taking ground.