“It is not what you talk about, it is what you tolerate.”
You talk a lot.
Words flitter through your mind and fall from your tongue all day long.
While you talk to others often, the overwhelming majority of your talking is with yourself.
The importance of what you say in these millions of conversations with yourself is impossible to overstate.
Your inner dialogue forms much of how you see the world. Or said another way, your worldview flows from your self-talk.
It shapes your view of the world out there, and how you view the person in here. Your identity comes out of your worldview.
This is important because it drives how you act and behave. You act in certain ways because you believe certain things about yourself. Your actions make visible what’s already going on within. They merely drag your inmost parts into the light.
How you see yourself is wildly important.
That’s why the first step in moving forward and re-charting your course rests upon reforming your thinking. You must change your thinking to change your life.
You can talk about a lot of things, but it’s what you tolerate to populate your mind that wins the day.
The exciting news is that you get to choose:
· The type of person you become.
· Your attitude when things get tough.
· Your response when things don’t go your way.
That choice gets made by the story you tell yourself. You get to pick the story you tolerate within your own mind.