“Whenever you have trouble getting up in the morning, remind yourself that you’ve been made by nature for the purpose of working with others, whereas even unthinking animals share sleeping. And it’s your own natural purpose that is more fitting and more satisfying.”
The Stoics nailed it in many areas and yet missed it in a number of others. Above is an example of barely missing the truth. In these words, Marcus Aurelius is within inches of the truth. Regardless, these words remain helpful.
Aurelius is pointing you to the truth that you were created for a purpose, a purpose higher than the other creatures you share planet Earth with. It isn’t that you have to get up and go to work, you get to. Mankind is the only creature on this planet to wake each morning with purpose and direction. You get that tremendous gift each and every day.
Aurelius attributes this immense gift to the gods, or nature itself. In reality, you were created and endowed with purpose and value by God, the uncaused first cause. He is the unmoved mover Aristotle mentioned. He gave you worth, vision, and purpose. He also gave you a higher obligation to fulfill. All special gifts you get to unwrap anew each and every morning.
In a way, each morning is like Christmas morning. There are new gifts to open and excitement fills the air as you begin.
Spring out of bed like its Christmas morning every day and seize the day with the same excitement with which you grabbed new gifts as a child.