“Receive without pride, let go without attachment.”
You will experience many highs and lows during your time on this earth. You will win battles and lose others. You will receive honors and accolades, as well as rebuke and rejection. You will pass through all points on the spectrum as you swing from one end to the other.
What are you to do as you climb the trail from mountain top to valley and back again?
“Do not take the slights of the day personally–or the exciting rewards and recognitions either, especially when duty has assigned you an important cause. Trivial details like the rise and fall of your position say nothing about you as a person. Only your behavior will.”
That’s a lot easier said than done! In fact, it sounds like an impossible task. But it’s exactly what you are called to do – keep perspective. Perspective allows you to see beyond the moment you are in and comprehend things as they truly are.
Both extremes share this in common–each is temporal. Neither will last long. Like the morning dew, they will melt away.
What remains, however, is their effect. What each produced within your heart. Lessons learned and applied.
Both are given for your growth in Christlikeness. Both are working in you for eternal purposes and have import beyond today.
Embrace them equally.