“The more I read, the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing”
If learning reinforces any one thing over and over, it is that in the final analysis I don’t know anything. Each new book or podcast consumed pulls back the curtain to reveal another previously undiscovered realm of knowledge.
March was filled with many such occasions. Occasions to dive deep, learn, and reevaluate things. Below are two books and one interview that will pull the curtain back and show you several areas to grow and learn.
I do this the last Monday of each month. It’s my way of peeling back the layers and sharing the things that have the greatest impact on me each month. I hope these resources are helpful and brighten your day. If you enjoy it, pass it along.
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Habits are the all the rage. Everyone it seems is talking, writing, and thinking about them. People are doing this for good reason. Habits are important. They shape so much of what you do each day, as well as the outcomes of your life. Habits must be established however, before they can be improved. This book will show you exactly how to build effective habits and eliminate the ineffective ones.
EntreLeadership Podcast with James Clear
This interview led me to picking up James’ book. It is a conversation that will fire you up and start the wheels in your head to spinning. James discusses how tiny changes over the long-haul compound to create massive results.
Come and See by Todd Wagner
When your pastor writes a book, you should probably read it. Or if you’re like me, you wait until it goes in sale before you buy it. I’m thankful Come and See went on sale a few weeks ago. I am only a few chapters in but find it the right reminder and encouragement for the times. People are messy and so is church life. Here Todd labors to create a compelling vision for what and who the church is meant to be.