“Just as with storytelling, so with life: it’s important how well it is done, not how long.”
While longevity is nice, significance is more desirable. You possess a deep-seated desire to make a difference. You do not dream of a meaningless life. No, you want it to count.
You constantly struggle to grow and improve for this same reason. You want a life well lived. You want to be sanctified every moment of every day. You want to peak at death and not a moment before.
What follows is a collection of my efforts to grow this month. June introduced me to some amazing books, podcasts and interviews. I hope these resources are helpful and brighten your day. If you enjoy it, pass it along.
The Champion’s Mind by Jim Afremow
“If you want to play like the best athletes,” James Afremow said, “then you’ve got to think like them.” That’s the premise behind this helpful read. Each page is filled with ideas to help you develop the mind of a champion.
Chasing Excellence: Win or Learn
This is an outstanding episode in which Ben Bergeron walks you through how to never fail again. In fact, he doesn't believe failure exists. You either win, or you learn something that will help you moving forward.
Chop Wood Carry Water by Joshua Medcalf
You will love this book from page one. It is one of my new favorites. “You must learn to fall in love with the process of becoming great.” That’s exactly what this book seeks to entice you to do; fall in love with the process. Goals are nice, but the process is where you live. If you don’t learn to love it, you’re in for a miserable time.
The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle
This book is all about the why and how of talent development. It is concerned with showing you exactly how to develop your yourself. While you entered this world with a set of attributes, they aren’t nearly as fixed as you once thought. This book will show you how to learn and cultivate the talent within.
Jocko Podcast Episode 180: Covert Lessons Learned From “Across The Fence” in Vietnam with John Stryker Meyer
Jocko Podcast Episode 181: Mayhem, Bravery, and Leadership “On The Ground” in Vietnam with John Stryker Meyer
Jocko Podcast 182: W/ John “TILT” Stryker Meyer: The Claustrophobic Reality Of The Vietnam Jungle
This three-part interview is absolutely attention grabbing and spellbinding. It tells the story of John Stryker Meyer. John served as a member of the Special Forces during the Vietnam War. More specifically he was part of a secret war in Laos and Cambodia. This series covers a lot of ground, including several narrow escapes from the clutches of death. Not only does it grab you by the throat and not let go, but passes along lessons you need to face down your own secret war within.