21 Apologetics Resources

Emotions will carry you only so far, and then you’re going to need something more substantive. Apologetics provides some of that substance.
— William Lane Craig

I recently wrote regarding how the study of apologetics is important for providing reasons for the hope you have in Christ, especially when that person needing them is yourself. Dark seasons are part of life. They come and go seemingly without notice. They need not, however, catch you off guard and unprepared.

Resources abound to help you bolster your defenses. The number of resources is often overwhelming. It can leave one wondering exactly where to begin such a journey.

Today I am sharing twenty-one resources that feed my mind and help me think things through. These books, podcasts, and websites help me grow in my understanding that there truly is no place else to go but Jesus. They help remind me that He did not intend to leave any other option available.


  1. The Story of Reality by Greg Koukl

  2. Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis

  3. Stealing from God by Frank Turek

  4. I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by Frank Turek

  5. The Reason for God by Tim Keller

  6. Jesus Among Other God’s by Ravi Zacharias

  7. Reasonable Faith by William Lane Craig


  1. Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast

  2. #STRask with Greg Koukl

  3. Reasonable Faith Podcast

  4. I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist Podcast

  5. The Cold-Case Christianity Podcast

  6. Real Truth Real Quick

  7. Let My People Think

Online Writings

  1. Cross-Examined

  2. Stand to Reason

  3. Reasonable Faith

  4. Mama Bear Apologetics

  5. Reasons to Believe

  6. Eternal Perspective Ministries

  7. RZIM (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries)