Watching others succeed

It can be hard to see other people succeed. 

It is difficult to watch others hit new personal records in the weight room, while you're still grinding it out not seeing the gains you’d like. 

It can be harder still to watch your neighbor or friend purchase that new car or house you’d like. 

Worse still is the never-ending onslaught of envy social media brings. Moment after moment of each day, you are reminded of what others are doing, seeing, and achieving while you remain “stuck” where you are. 

It’s a universal problem, and we all must deal with it. 

You’ve got to shift your mindset. 

You’ve got to realize that there is plenty of success to go around. 

Life is not like a pie with a limited number of slices. 

No, in life the possibilities are limitless. Potential abounds for not only you, but every single person to be, do, and achieve more. 

Start relishing in the success of others. Cheer them on and sincerely encourage them along the way. 

Not only will you lift their spirits, but yours as well. 

In doing so you’ll come to realize that giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. 

It’s impossible to give without receiving something in return, even if that something is but a warm and cheerful feeling. 

You receive a great deal more than warm feelings in reality though. You receive co-ownership of their success. Every time you look upon their achievements you’re reminded of just how happy you are for them and share in their joy. 

All of which makes it much more likely you’ll reach your own mountaintop at long last. 

When you do finally reach the snow-crested peak of your own achievements, there will be a host of others there to greet and celebrate with you.