Monthly Mash Up (August 2017)

Every day is a chance for you to grow, get better and improve. All it takes is a willing attitude and the willingness to work hard and stretch yourself. 

I surveyed some great resources in August in my attempts to do just that. I’d like to share a few of them with you here. Below is a quote I’m thinking on, four books I’ve read or am reading, and five articles or services I found helpful.

Each taught me some incredibly valuable lessons. Lessons that made me think, re-evaluate points of view, and better that I would be otherwise. Hopefully they do the same for you.

Quote I'm Chewing On

People tend to focus disproportionately on results, while neglecting the day-to-day things that will get them there.
— Ben Bergeron, Chasing Excellence

Big lofty goals are nice, but more is required to make them a reality. To do that takes daily work. Work that isn’t pretty and that’s not always fun. But work that must get done if you’re going to get there. 

What I'm Reading

  1. Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa - This is an epic tale of Japan’s most famous warrior. Jocko will be reviewing it on episode 100, and I’m rushing to finish this near thousand page tale in the next few weeks.  

  2. Chasing Excellence by Ben Bergeron - Perhaps one of the most encouraging and inspiring books I’ve read in awhile. Every page is littered with highlighted sentence after highlighted sentence that I read and reread day after day.

  3. Romans 8-16 For You by Tim Keller - I read the first of Keller’s books on Romans earlier this summer and this one was just as good. Few resources on Romans have balanced deep theological truth with easy going style as well as Keller’s. If you want to have a deeper understanding of the theology of the New Testament, get this resource.

  4. Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount And His Confrontation with the World by D.A Carson - Our community group is reading through the Gospel of Matthew the next several months. Which means I’m on the hunt for awesome resources to help me wring all the Biblical truth and wisdom from it. My mentor mentioned D.A. Carson’s work on the Sermon on the Mount and I can’t wait to dig in.

From the Internet

  1. Marketing about power and with power via Seth Godin - It’s no secret that Seth’s is one of my favorite blogs. I read his stuff every day, and is a large part of why this blog has gone daily in recent months. In this post, Seth discusses the wide ranging difference between two marketing approaches. Which one do you use? Which one best fits your business?

  2. Why I love my paper dictionary via Austin Kleon - I appreciate Austin’s approach to art and its creation. He offers us a glimpse of the blend between digital and analog. The two really can coexist. This post is a perfect example of how.

  3. Both Lincoln and the Confederacy Were Awful via FEE - It seems we’re in the middle of rehashing the Civil War anew of late. While reasoned discussion is never a bad thing, that’s not we’ve been in the middle of these last several weeks. This article is a quick look at what few are willing say: both sides were in the wrong.  

  4. MoviePass - Monthly movie subscription service that allows you to see unlimited movies for $10 per month. Hannah and I will definitely be checking this out!

  5. Texas Price Gouger Are Heros via FEE - This might be one of the most important articles I’ve read in the last week. It offers an excellent explanation of exactly why price gouging isn’t such a bad thing after all.

Monthly Mash Up (July 2017)

Education doesn’t end when your time at school is done. It continues the rest of your days. Do this and you’ll continue to grow and mature over a lifetime, becoming smarter and wise with age. Do it not, and you’ll wish you had.

I stumbled across some outstanding resources in July and I’d like to share a few of them with you here. Below is a quote I’m pondering, three books I’ve read and four videos or documentaries I’ve watched. They each taught me some incredibly valuable lessons. Lessons that made me better and that’ll do the same for you if you let them.

Quote I'm Chewing On

“How you look is just as much a reflection of how you eat as how you train.” — Michael Mathews

You can’t out train a poor diet. This simple truth has us taking a fresh look at what we eat with a fine tooth comb. We’re tracking nutrient intake is a start but we’re also looking at food sources and timing to optimize our performance.  

What I'm Reading

  1. Bigger Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews - I have been encouraged by the in depth look it takes to all aspects of training, especially nutrition.   

  2. The Warrior Ethos by Steven Pressfield - This short missive on the Warrior Ethos is a great reminder of the historical and universal truths found in every culture throughout history. A warrior is a warrior no matter where he calls home. That’s good news. Because we can do something about it. We can cultivate a warrior mindset.

  3. On Killing by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman - The world is not a perfect place. Things go wrong and often that puts lives on the line. What happens when and if that moment comes is important. Preparing yourself for that day is even more so. This book is part of that preparation. It will help you understand what happens when life and death hang in the balance.

What I’m Watching

  1. God’s Colonial Intent by Dr. Myles Munroe - This one was shared with me by a member of my community group and I immensely enjoyed it. If you’re looking for a little bit different spin on the overarching theme of the Bible, this one might be up your alley.    

  2. Creating Raving Fans by Ken Blanchard - How you make customers feel is the most important thing about your business. The better use you make of this truth, the healthier your bottom line will be.

  3. Fittest On Earth: A Decade of Fitness - Discipline is required however  you want to grow and improve. The athletes competing in the Crossfit games are perfect examples of this.

  4. What The Health - Watching this documentary earlier this month kickstarted a conversation around nutrition and exactly what we’re putting in our bodies. You may land on one side of the meat debate or the other, but films like this are often best used for self examination. They give you an opportunity to take a deep look at yourself.

Monthly Mash Up (June 2017)

June was a crazy month. It was full of activity, work and trying to figure this whole parenting thing out. I’ll let you know if we ever get that down. I stumbled across some outstanding resources over the last month and I’d like to share a few of them with you here.  

I do this the last Monday of each month. It’s my way of peeling back the layers and sharing the things that have the greatest impact on me each month. I hope the resources I share with you are helpful and brighten your day. If you do enjoy it, pass it along to family, friends and the occasional stranger.

Quote I'm Chewing On

“The person you become is a result of your inner choices, not your external circumstances.”

While not 100% where I heard this line over the past month, it has become a great source of encouragement to me. Circumstances have little to do with who I am, how I behave or the man I become. All those things are results of decisions I make.

What I'm Reading

  1. Don’t Worry, Make Money by Richard Carlson

  2. Guerrilla Marketing by Jay Conrad Levinson - My father-in-law shared these first two books with me earlier this month. I’ve loved reading and finding great ideas and encouragement in both. While not written from a Christian worldview, both contain great information and universal truth that will help you slay demons and conquer whatever is in your path.

  3. The Way of the Warrior Kid by Jocko Willink - A kids book? You bet! There are a ton of helpful insights to inspire and motivate you to get after it.

  4. The Art of War by Sun Tsu - Jocko reviewed this classic on how to win whether you’re fighting to achieve things at work, in your relationships or to put sin to death.

What I’m Listening To

  1. Jocko Podcast - I listened to all 80 episodes in 30 days and couldn’t be more fired up about this podcast. It is a fantastic listen that’ll help you do, be and achieve more with your life.

  2. The Sheepdog Project - I found this podcast near the end of the month, and it’s been awesome. The Sheepdog Project is a neat program seeking to provide law enforcement and civilians the training needed to protect themselves and those they love from the evil around us. The podcast is a natural extension of that mission, and consists of conversations between two Tim Kennedy and Dr. Mike Simpson. They discuss a wide range of topics that I’m certain you could benefit from.

From the Internet

  1. Mental load and the worry cache by Seth Godin - I find Seth Godin’s writing to be clear, concise and exactly what I need to hear on a regular basis. This post hit me at a time when I found myself worrying too much about things outside my control. It served as a well timed reminder that worry isn’t part of my job.

  2. Don't Compare Yourself to Other Writers - by Pamela Hodges. This post appeared on The Write Practice earlier this month by only found its way across my screen the other day. It serves as a great reminder that we aren’t to play comparison game. Everyone is running their own race and doing their own thing. That’s all we’re able to do, run our own race.     

  3. Be Careful About Reading This by Jon Acuff - I signed up to receive four free books written by Jon Acuff. Only they aren’t your typical books, but a series of emails that will one day come to resemble one. Each week, Jon writes four separate emails that go to four separate lists. They cover topics related to public speaking, writing, entrepreneurship and fitness. Go check out this post, and then sign up for the list or lists that most intrigues you.

Monthly Mash Up (May 2017)

Welcome to the end of May. Things have been crazy busy in our world, and I’m certain they have in yours as well. I’d like to share with you what I'm reading, pondering and enjoying in the midst of that busyness.  

I do this the last Monday of each month. It’s my way of peeling back the layers and sharing the things that have the greatest impact on me each month. I hope the resources I share with you are helpful and brighten your day. If you do enjoy it, pass it along to family, friends and the occasional stranger.

Quote I'm Chewing On

Leaders must own everything in their world. There is no one else to blame.
— Jocko Willink, Extreme Ownership

I stinking love this quote. It’s one of the many new favs I’ve found reading and listening to Jocko talk about discipline, leadership and getting after it. This one in particular pushes me to take ownership of absolutely everything. This ownership has me springing out of bed earlier than ever, and charging into the day. It has me drawing the circle around myself and working on everything within it like never before.  

What I'm Reading

  1. Stuart Little by E.B. White - Few writers have as clear and concise a style as E.B. White. Now that we have a little, I’ve got a new excuse to reacquaint myself with his voice.

  2. Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Lief Babin  - I’ve been obsessed with this book of late. It continues to challenge me in several deep and profound ways. I’m rethinking and retooling the way I approach every area of life in light of it.  

  3. Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam - We're struggling to get a solid sleep schedule down with the new little in our midst. We once had promise and hope that our new son was getting the hang of things and sleeping well, but all hope seems dashed of late. Late nights filled with crying are the new normal. We're reading everything we can find to get our arms around what we're supposed to do.  

What I’m Listening To

  1. The Church Leadership Podcast - This is a new podcast Watermark Community Church launched in the past month. While directed towards church leaders, I’ve found it deeply helpful as I’ve processed what it looks like to lead our growing family well. Go listen to the first episode entitled, A Leader’s Inner Circle. In it you’ll hear an outstanding conversation about why other Christians are one of God’s biggest gifts to you.

  2. Betty Who - I know you’re thinking I’ve lost my mind. What could possibly lead to my listening to an artist like Betty Who? The short answer and the long of it is that I trusted the recommendation of a friend. I’m not even the least bit sad I did. Her tunes have become the sounds powering my work day and it’s wonderful.    

  3. The Jocko Podcast - I discovered Jocko Podcast the same weekend I read Extreme Ownership. It's my new favorite podcast. Whatever I'm doing, and wherever I'm going, it's playing in my headphones of late. Jocko's a virtual mentor as his podcast fires me up, gets me moving and has me taking action to develop as a leader.

  4. The Cold-Case Christianity Podcast - J. Warner Wallace is a real life cold-case detective helping Christians develop the skills necessary to make a compelling case for why they believe the gospel to be true. He calls this a Forensic Faith and it’s exactly what believers must do.

From the Internet

  1. Why Do We Want to Put a Stone in Your Shoe? - This two part series springs from the often quoted Greg Koukl who says, “All I want to do is give him something worth thinking about.” In this series, Scott and the marriage team at Watermark give us more than something to think about, but several somethings worth talking about with our spouses.

  2. Major Dick Winters Interview - Several podcasts I listened to this month discussed the life and leadership of Major Dick Winters. Here is an interview with the man himself. One of the finest leaders of men and the subject of the HBO mini series Band of Brothers.

Monthly Mash Up (April 2017)

It is hard to believe that our little Hud is a month old. April seems to have flown by. As we continue to bask in the sheer joy of being parents for the first time, I’d like to share with you what I'm reading, pondering and enjoying.

The last Monday or Thursday of each month I peel back the layers and share the things that had the greatest impact on me in the previous month. I hope the resources I share with you are helpful and brighten your day. If you do enjoy it, pass it along to family and friends.

Verse I'm Chewing On

“Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! —Psalm 37:1

Todd Wagner mentioned Psalm 37 in a talk this past month. I found it such solid gold, that I’m trying to memorize the first several verses. I’ve only nailed this first verse so far, but find it the perfect reminder not to value the same things as the world. I shouldn’t look at their lives and be envious of any part of it.

What I'm Reading

  1. The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp, M.D. - We brought our son Hudson home from the hospital, and had to figure the sleep thing out. Fast forward a month, and he slept four hours between feedings last night. I call that a win!

  2. The Story of Reality by Greg Koukl - Reality, or the way the world actually is, is the most compelling apologetic the Christian has at his disposal. It’s not a cooked up theory or tale. No, the Christian story fits and explains what we find in the real world. Greg Koukl makes this important argument in his new book The Story of Reality.

  3. A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - You’ve seen the popular Sherlock starring Benedict Cumberbatch. Hannah and I have watched and rewatched the entire series many times. It’s great. I decided it was time to read the source material. I’m part way through and loving it.   

  4. The Reason for God by Tim Keller - I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve never read this modern classic from the mind of Tim Keller. It is a fine book covering much the same ground as Koukl’s Story of Reality, only in greater details and depth.

  5. Romans 1-7 For You by Tim Keller - I’ve wanted to read this helpful resource for some time now. It was on sale for $2.99 this month so I grabbed it. I’m not too far in, but find it a helpful companion through the first half of Romans.

What I’m Listening To

  1. Daddy Doesn’t Pray Anymore by Chris Stapleton - I stumbled upon the greatness of Chris Stapleton this month while sifting through Spotify’s endless cache of tunes. This song touched my heart in a deep way. In it, Chris describes a father who has been a faithfully committed follower of The Lord and how his son remembers it. “I remember when times were bad,” Chris sings, “he’d thank Jesus for everything he had. A good wife and three children and food upon our plate.” My prayer is that our son will be able to remark the same about how I lead and love him.   

  2. A Life That Lost Its Focus: Saul by Ravi Zacharias - I’ve listened to Ravi for several years now, and it never gets old. He communicates truth in a manner as entertaining as it is winsome. In this four-part series, Ravi takes a look at the life of Israel’s first king, Saul.

  3. Lead Like Jesus: Leaders, Marriage and a Local Church - I’m so glad I clicked download on this bad boy! “People need to be reminded,” Samuel Johnson said, “more often than they need to be instructed.” He couldn’t have been more right. This episode was such a great reminder of the stakes in marriage, and a refresher course on why Hannah and I do what we do.

From the Internet

  1. Calling Good People “Racist” Isn’t New: the Case of Ty Cobb - Growing up I obsessed over the legends and stories surrounding Ty Cobb. Who knew so many of the things I believed about this man, turn out to be wrong. If this is the case with Cobb, who else has history cast in a light resembling little of the truth?

  2. A Quiz on the Atonement via Tim Challies - Tim published a helpful quiz on the Atonement in the weeks leading up Easter. If you’re unsure what Christians are celebrating on Easter Sunday—and every other day of their lives—it's worth your time to give it a shot. If all you want to do is measure how well you understand this important doctrine, like I did, that's ok too.

  3. A handful of people via Austin Kleon - You can’t make everyone happy, and you shouldn’t even try. Identify the small number of people whose opinion matters to you, and make your stuff for them. That’s what I’m attempting to do with this blog; write and share things that a few people might find helpful. I hope a good number of others see and enjoy it, but at its core, a smattering of people are in mind with each new post. First of which is my wife, who’s good at telling me the truth.

  4. The Income Tax Implies that Government Owns You - The 18th was national charity day, or as most of us call it—Tax Day. We send money pouring into the coffers of government this time each year. You may find this hard to believe, but it wasn’t always so. Once upon a time, American were free. They got to keep the fruits of their labor. Jeffrey Tucker presents a discussion we need to have about the fleecing of our pockets we allow every April.

  5. Why I Love To Read via Randy Alcorn - Some people play golf, while others brew beer or coffee. Those are fine hobbies that bring immense joy, but they’re not the hobbies I’ve glommed onto. Instead, I read a lot. It’s my favorite pastime. Which is why I am excited and grateful for Randy Alcorn’s article this month. It served as the perfect reminder of the all important why behind picking up books.