Monthly Mash Up (February 2017)

February is practically over, which means Hannah and I are ever so close to welcoming our first little into the world. As the countdown to Hudson continues, I’d like to share with you what I'm reading, pondering and enjoying. This has been something I’ve regularly shared with email subscribers but am now sharing as a monthly post on the blog. I hope the resources I share with here are helpful and brighten your day. If you do enjoy it, feel free to pass it along to family and friends.

Verse I'm Chewing On

 “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” - Psalm 34:8

Hannah and I are reading through the Psalms & Proverbs this year with our church. It has been great so far and I can’t wait to see how it continues to shape us. Psalm 34 in general is outstanding. What a marvelous example of how we are to worship The Lord. I can imagine David rocking back and forth with pure adulation for the Lord as he penned these words. Here’s a musical rendition by Shane & Shane to give you a taste of the richness and fullness of truth this Psalm captures.  

What I'm Reading

1. The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller - We continue to read this with our community group. It has been awesome so far. It’s served as a reminder of things we learned in Merge.

2. Pronto by Elmore Leonard  

3. Riding The Rap by Elmore Leonard

4. Raylan by Elmore Leonard

5. Fire In The Hole by Elmore Leonard - I was a fan of the show Justified. In fact, it is my favorite TV Show. While the series was officially based on Fire In The Hole, these other three books containing the character Raylan Givens make their way on to the screen. I added these four to my list, when I learned the series was based on the writings of Elmore Leonard. They were fun reads with outstanding dialogue. You would expect nothing less from the genius of Leonard.

6. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney - I am reading this as part of a discipleship group. It has challenged many of my preconceived notions and inspired me to meditate on God’s Word with greater intention. I have been especially encouraged by Whitney’s recurring reminder that Spiritual Disciplines are means to the end of becoming like Jesus, not ends themselves. Forgetting their role quickly leads to performance and drudgery.   

7. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway - I’d never read Hemingway. Feeling ashamed I picked this classic up and began to read. I have been struck by the simplicity of his writing and storytelling. There is much to be learned in that regard, even if the tale depresses the hell out of me.   

What I’m Listening To

1. Stop Starving and Start Making a Living from Your Art: Interview with Cory Hugg - This is a great interview discussing art, gatekeepers and finding unique ways to make a living from your artistic endeavors with Cory Hugg.

2. Mumford & Sons: The Road to Red Rocks (Live) - I’d all but forgotten Mumford was still out there. This month I started listening to them again and found their music just as enjoyable as I did three years ago.

3. Words, Words, Words—The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe - Mike Rowe is outstanding. I was enamored with Dirty Jobs as a kid and now find his weekly podcast a must listen. This episode was especially enjoyable as Mike pulled back the curtain.  

4. Get Your Life Back —Sermon Series from Connexus Church - Carey Nieuwhof is the pastor of a church in Canada and host of the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast. I discovered both this past year and have enjoyed Carey’s interviews and encouragement. This month I turned my attention to learning more about the idea of dropping the pursuit of balance and instead embracing passion.  

New Practice I’m Trying

Keeping a Daily Logbook - This is different than a journal in that it is simply a quick jotting down of the small details of your day for later remembrance. Austin Kleon mentioned it in his book, Steal Like An Artist, so I’m trying it on. So far I’ve enjoyed the practice. I’ve stopped journaling for now and have found this a fun and energizing way to reflect on the day.

From the Internet

1. How can Christians show loving kindness to refugees and do justice for Americans? - The refugee crisis is real and concerning for many of us. Here Todd Wagner offers an excellent take on how we as should respond.

2. “NFL 2017” — Bad Lip Reading of the NFL - Always funny.

3. 10 Ridiculously Simple Steps for Writing a Book - Helpful thoughts and ideas for tackling that book project of yours.

4. Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace - This interview made its rounds on the interwebs a while back but is worth revisiting. Simon shares some statistics and thoughts on the Millennial generation that are well worth our time and attention.

5. 5 Podcasts You Should Be Listening To - I’m always down for new podcasts and added two of Barnabas’ recommendation to my list.

Monthly Mash Up (January 2017)

We've reached the end of January. I’d like to take a moment and share with you what I'm reading, pondering and enjoying. This has been something I’ve regularly shared with email subscribers but will now be sharing as a regular post on the blog. I’m still tinkering with exactly what it will look like, but it will most likely be a monthly post. It is my sincere hope that the resources I share with you here will be helpful and that you enjoy reading it. If you do enjoy it, I’d love for you to share it with family and friends. 

Verse I'm Chewing On

 “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:15

I need to recall this verse a thousand different times a day. There are far too many instances in which I try to do things myself. When I do, it rarely turns out the way I’d planned. This verse serves as a real and vigilant reminder that I must remain connected to Christ.  

What I'm Reading

1. Church History: In Plain Language by Bruce L. ShelleyMy mentor and I started reading this one a few weeks ago and I’m enjoying it deeply. Day by day I’m learning new things about church history and seeing God’s sovereign hand moving across page after page. Do I agree with each and every conclusion Shelley comes to? No, but I appreciate his attempt to condense two thousand plus years of church history into a style and presentation that helps people understand and appreciate all God has done these last two millennia. 

Favorite quote: "The Christians, on the other hand, were always talking about their Jesus. They were out to make Christians of  the entire population of the empire, and the rapidity of their spread showed that this was no idle dream. Not only did they, like the Jews, refuse to worship the emperor as a living god, but they were doing their utmost to convince every subject of the emperor to join them in their refusal." 

2. The Meaning of Marriage by Tim KellerOur community group is reading this together. We are focusing in on our marriages as we kick off 2017. Can’t wait to see what we learn and how reading along in the context of community helps grow our understanding.

3. Steal Like An Artist by Austin KleonMy sister-in-law gave me this one for Christmas and Hannah and I are taking it slow. We are reading just a few short page each morning and it’s been a fun read chalked full of interesting and inspiring quotes and one liners.   

4. A Christmas Carol by Charles DickensI started this one the week of Christmas, and have really enjoyed how Dickens frames a scene. He can be a little wordy at times, but this one is a classic for a reason.

What I’m Listening To

1. James Emery White on the Rise of Generation Z: A Post-Christian, Post-Millennial Generation I listened to this podcast episode just after the new year. It was interesting and thought provoking. Most of all it made me think about the world my son will grow up in and how different it will be from the one I knew as a kid. He will have totally new and different experiences, and they’ll shape him in ways I don’t fully understand. That’s ok because the Lord does.

2. Psalms Live by Shane & ShaneI picked up my first Shane & Shane album as a college freshman in 2008. I remain just as hooked on their mad vocal and musical stylings almost ten years later. More importantly, I am encouraged by how these two men have lovingly worshiped the Lord night in and night out on stages all over the world and invited all of us to join in. In a world full of pretenders, fakers and people in it just for the money, these two men named Shane are a bright light pointing to Jesus. Grab this album, find a quiet place to stick in your head buds and try not to let everyone see you belting it out. If you’re anything like me, you just won’t be able to sit still.

3. Blueprint for Armageddon - I listened to Dan Carlin dive deep into the plotting, mud, inhumanity and swift moving change that characterized World War I in December of 2015. I found it not only entertaining and informative but find fascinating parallels between our present day and the events now a century past, that I decided to give it another go this winter as well. Perhaps it will become an annual tradition.

Helpful Resource

1. Jesus, The Only Way - In the last couple of weeks, I’ve had some pretty interesting conversations. In a few the assertion that you can be a Christian without holding to the exclusivity of Jesus Christ has popped up. In this extremely helpful packet you’ll find over 100 verses in the New Testament that destroy this notion. We might misinterpret one verse, maybe two, but Christian’s aren’t whiffing on over 100 verses. The orthodox Christian doctrine that Jesus is the only way to right relationship with God, is the biblical teaching. Perhaps you’re like many of the folks I’ve had the pleasure of talking to of late, and you question this aspect of Christianity. I’d lovingly encourage you to go the Stand to Reason website and collect this immensely helpful resource. Scroll to the bottom of the page, subscribe to any of the Stand to Reason newsletters and receive your free copy of this awesome pdf.

From the Internet

1. What’s The Best Way To Start Off A Marriage via Real Truth Real Quick - I love being married and marriage in general. I know of few things the Lord uses daily to shape and mold me like He does my marriage. In this quick video, Todd Wagner gives some great advice to help kick off marriage on the right foot. Regardless how long you’ve been married, there’s something here for you. If you haven’t taken the plunge just yet, grab a pen, and listen up as Todd sets you up for major success.    

2. God Hates Sexual Immorality via Tim Challies - This post from Tim hits hard. I’d be absolutely shocked if anyone made it all the way through without some twinge of guilt. I certainly didn’t and that’s why I found it helpful.

3. Corporate Worship Saved My Marriage (Video) - I found this encouraging. “Corporate worship,” Piper says, “is one of the best remedies for our sin-sick souls. Without fail, trials and troubles renew every week. Big or small, they draw our gaze away from Jesus and distract us from God’s amazing mercy and grace. Instead of resting in the gospel, we frantically look elsewhere for help.”

4. Tricked Into Playing The Wrong Game - I need helpful reminders every day. Usually these reminders come from God’s word and His people, but every now and again I find a helpful reminder in a blog post I read. In this post, Godin takes on the idea that we must always be growing and growing; reaching a bigger audience. “Bigger,” Seth Godin said, “isn't better. It's merely bigger. And the mass market might want what the mass market wants, but that doesn't mean that it's your market.”

Weekly Dose

Good morning!

Here are a few links, thoughts, and resources that have appeared in my "Weekly Dose" email newsletter this past month, which is free and goes out each Friday. Take a look around and let me know what you think.

Book I've been reading: How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This book has been recommended to me more times than I can count and has sat on my reading list for years. Now that I'm a few chapters in, I wish I'd picked it up sooner. It is a real treasure trove of helpful and insightful information on building relationships, and who among us couldn't benefit from improved relationships?

Quote I'm pondering: "Discipline is rarely enjoyable but always profitable." - Darin Patrick

I heard this quote on an episode of 5 Leadership Questions this past week and it has served as a great reminder of the value of discipline. Time and again the things that have helped me grow the most have come via taking the hard road. What seems unpleasant at the time often turns out to be the most beneficial. 

Habit I'm cultivating: Over the last couple of weeks I have been working to develop the habit of journaling daily. In the process I have found it to help me notice patterns in my life, process how I am feeling as well as clear my mind. The benefits have been tremendous and I look forward to seeing where it leads. 

Post I'm digging: 5 Signs Your Character is Slowly Imploding via Carey Nieuwhof
This article from Carey has been eating my lunch all week. I keep coming back to it and thinking over it day by day because I see myself in far too many of his warnings. If I am honest with myself, there are so many areas in my life that I'm failing and need to grow.

Podcast on repeat: 5 Leadership Questions - John Maxwell
I've listened to this podcast at least 10 times since it's release on October 6th and I still can't get enough. Grab your favorite drink, a pen & paper because your going to want to write down the wisdom flowing through your headphones on this one. Give it a listen and then listen again, and again. 

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