What I Learned Listening to Tim Ferriss Interview Derek Sivers

I listen to the Tim Ferriss Show from time to time. I find Tim’s interviews compelling and his questions insightful. I’ve usually got a page or two covered with quotes and notes, after each episode. 

Tim interviewed Derek Sivers a while back, and it’s stuck with me. Remixes and different takes on the wisdom Derek shared spring forth from the stew of ideas swirling around my mind regularly. 

I’d like to share a few of them with you here today. Below you’ll find some of my biggest takeaways from their conversation. 

  • What you know doesn’t mean squat, it’s what you do consistently that matters. You must act.
  • Expect disaster.
  • Be expensive.
  • Think slow and deliberate.
  • Think long-term. You can do everything you want. You just need foresight and patience.
  • If you feel anything less than "Hell yes!" just say, "No." Otherwise, you’ll say "Yes" to many lesser things.
  • Busy is out of control. Lack of time is a lack of priorities.

Give their conversation a listen if you’d like some context to go with these quotes. I've linked to it below. There’s no telling what great idea it might spark down the road. 

Derek Sivers on Developing Confidence, Finding Happiness and Saying “No” to Millions

One More Way We're Improving Our Marriage This Year

On New Year's Day and Hannah and I sat gulping down coffee and sugar before a long wedding day. We shared our goals and dreams for the year, and quickly turned to things we wanted to improve about our marriage. I shared those five things on my friend Scott’s blog last month and encourage you to go check it out. As the year has progressed, Hannah and I have continued to have conversations about other areas we want to improve as a couple. I'd like to share one of the most important with you today.    

Scripture Memory

“When Scripture is stored in your mind,” Whitney said, “ it is available for the Holy Spirit to bring to your attention when you need it most.” Hannah and I have been convicted by our Bible memory, or lack of it to be more honest. We each have a list of verses we are working on, but we have failed to memorize God’s Word as a couple. There have been times and seasons where we would work on verses together, but rare and mixed have been the results.

We are giving ourselves to Scripture memory a new this year. It’s our only chance at living rightly by the renewal of our minds and our best weapon for fighting temptation. We put together the following list of verses by creating a group in Scripture Typer.

We’ll add to these verses throughout the year, but are committed to hiding these lines in our hearts. Proverbs 15:1 will come to mind when we are in the middle of a fight, and help us calm our tone. Mark 10:45 will remind me to get my butt up off the couch and serve my wife. Proverbs 28:13 will encourage us not to play the hiding game, but to be open with each other and community about what’s going on. We need these verses for our daily fight with sin and temptation. If we aren’t focused on the truths of God’s Word we’ll drift driven by another’s current upon a shore we don’t wish to see.